BGL Services

Energy Consulting – Our Energy Specialists are well educated to help you save thousands of dollars on your energy costs. We simply help you decide on the best lighting process for your home or business.

Lighting Consulting – If you are considering building a new home or opening a new business or just wanting to improve your existing lighting, our Lighting Specialists can help you save Time, Energy, & Money with our efficient systems & replacement bulbs.

Installation – Our Licensed & Bonded Electricians can help you with your electrical needs from light switch installation to complete retrofits & lamp installation.

Retrofitting Services

Our sales force is unsurpassed in helping customers develop lighting systems that will save you Time, Energy, & Money.

If you want to replace those old 400 watt M/H & go to a new Fluorescent System, or even an LED System that will Last! They can help you with that, and it is our responsibility to help you make the very best practical decisions in your lighting needs.

Warranties to 10 Years

Recycling Programs & Services

Any lamp that contains mercury must be recycled. This is mandated by the EPA – Resource Conservation & Recovery Act.

Ballast are also included in the mandate. They cause liver cancer & skin disorders to mention a few.

We offer pre-paid recycle box systems for all fluorescents, ballast, HID lighting, CFL’s, & Batteries.

Simply buy a system, fill the box, & call the shipper; Everything else is done for you!
